With over forty
titles available among them, in both fiction and non-fiction and across all
genres, the group’s work is on display at Malcolm’s Take Note in Mairangi Bay from 3
August for two weeks. Call in and see the display – you might even meet
one of the authors there, if you are lucky.
Mairangi Writers’
is a multi-talented group, boasting a professional conference organiser, a
photographer/cover designer, and a professional journalist and magazine editor
as well as a formatter and layout designer - all skills essential to successful
independent publishing.
At the meetings,
each member reads their work aloud, which the group then critiques. From time
to time, they invite publishers, book designers, distributors, agents and other
professionals to talk to their group to keep up to date. Outside of the
meetings, members help each other by ‘beta-reading’ and proofreading completed
manuscripts prior to publication.
Mairangi Writers’
holds book launches and seminars, has a presence at writers’ festivals, gives
readings at schools and libraries, as well as giving talks to service groups
and clubs.
If you would like
to hear a member of Mairangi Writers’ talk to your group, please contact one of
the members below.
Their books are
available locally, as print-on-demand and e-books on Amazon and through their
sales site, www.letsbuybooks.weebly.com
Look out for
Mairangi Writers’ next time they are ‘On Display’:
3-4th October 2015
North Shore Events Centre.
Don’t miss it.
Over the years,
many aspiring writers have asked to participate in the group’s meetings.
Unfortunately, due to lack of space it has had to restrict numbers to twelve.
There are currently no spaces available. However, the group is happy to assist
fellow writers, and often invite aspiring writers to attend the group for one
meeting to observe.
If any writers
wish to set up their own group with the initial help of the Mairangi group,
Contact Jean Allen on 09 4735910 or Vicky Adin vicky@vickyadin.co.nz
The following are alternative
U3A Creative
Writing Group. Contact Elaine
Writers Workshop. Contact Barbara
Authors Mouth. Contact
Maureen chalinore@xtra.co.nz