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Saturday, 11 February 2012

Welcome to our new blog

It’s my privilege to introduce a new blog page under the name of Arresting Prose, read that how you will! Arresting Prose represents the thirteen members of Mairangi Writers who meet on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand.

As you will discover, our members have chosen aliases representing the sycophants of a somewhat doubtful gang of mobsters, hence the Arresting Prose title.

Mairangi Writers
as a support for actively writing locals, was formed 30 years ago. We meet fortnightly and each is expected to read several pages of work for pretty much every meeting. We hope that 15 minutes per person of feed-back will not only help the writer but encourage him/her to pursue their publishing goal. As a result, over 40 publications have seen the light of day since the Group first got together.

Apart from a clever writer of humorous verse, (and short stories) we also have several closet poets but most are working their way through novels or short stories.

Speaking for myself, I’m presently re-writing six short stories dealing with human frailties and the often highly charged interaction between families, friends, business associates and/or siblings. My six stories explore the humour and temper of a middle-aged brother and sister who because of circumstances are forced to live more or less in the same house. While one is constantly upsetting the apple-cart, the other is doing her best to normalise his behaviour in an attempt restore their standing with the neighbours. I’m getting a lot of fun out of this and would love one day to have them accepted as a radio sequence.

Welcome to our blog.

Pam Laird

PS from the Officer in Charge
We hope you will enjoy reading our weekly posts. They will be as varied as our members, some informative, some funny, but all entertaining, as we share thoughts and insights about today’s publishing world.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with. It'll be an entertaining read!

  2. Great to see this blog up and running. Waiting to see what interesting thoughts come from it.
